Let me introduce myself. My name is Alberta Pangestika Silvera Putri, but I am usually called Alberta or Silvera. I am active as a Lector at St. Yusup Gedangan Parish and a grade XII student at a vocational school in Semarang. I am sharing this article as a young person who experiences a parish-style education managed by Jesuits.
One of the lessons I learned was the importance of readiness and willingness to process responsibility. This lesson was especially evident when I was involved in the committee for the Bible Reading Competition organized by the Lector Team of St. Yusup Gedangan Church. At that time, I was the Chair of the Committee.
Course of Events
The Bible Reading Competition itself took place on December 8, 2024. Opened by the MC and started with a joint prayer and a speech from the chaperone and the Chairperson of the Committee, the competition was carried out by the participants with great enthusiasm. Starting from children, teenagers, and young people to the elderly, they showed their best abilities in terms of vocal technique, appreciation, and delivery of the contents of the passage being read. They took turns advancing according to the categories and rules the committee had explained at the beginning of the event. Mrs. Tessa and Mr. Widodo assessed their performances, two senior Lectors who had been active in Gedangan, assisted by Romo Dodo, SJ as one of the Lector Assistants.
By participating in this competition, participants are instilled with self-confidence and courage to appear in public. Participants and spectators are also invited to foster a spirit of reading, contemplating, and loving the Word of God, deepening faith, and fostering a sense of brotherhood with one another.
Becoming Part of the Committee
Being a committee head or coordinator is not my first experience. I was an activity coordinator when I was involved in Children’s Faith Guidance (PIA) and at school. However, that was not as challenging as being the Head of the Committee for the Bible Reading Competition this time.
What makes the committee of this activity challenging is our relationship with external parties, not just the internal Lector Gedangan team. Therefore, the entire event needs to be thought through carefully. Some could criticize this activity if the planning and implementation are not mature or detailed enough. As the chairman, I also have to prepare my heart and mind with the possibility of receiving criticism. So, the responsibility that is carried is indeed remarkable. In addition, sometimes I, still learning, am overwhelmed by dividing my time with several other tasks outside of Lector.
Therefore, everything, from preparing to ensuring the event runs well, requires hard work and coordination in a committee. Occasionally, in the preparation process, we have differences of opinion, but all of that can be resolved with good communication. Everyone plays their respective roles and supports each other.
My personal feelings were mixed when I was involved in this committee. I felt proud because I was allowed to be part of this big event. In addition, pride also emerged when I saw the participants performing optimally or when the audience and judges appreciated the event’s smooth running. Warm and emotional feelings also appeared when I saw fellow committee members’ willingness, enthusiasm, and tremendous cooperation. The sense of tiredness seemed to disappear when I saw the excitement of all parties involved. The ups and downs we experienced together also made our relationship as a committee team closer.
I learned from my friends on the committee, especially about the importance of mutual understanding and cooperation. We experienced funny, annoying, tense, nervous, and anxious moments together as one Committee Team. Likewise, happiness and gratitude belong to us all when the event runs smoothly.
I also understood how it feels to shoulder responsibility, which was a bit heavy. From there, I learned to be more confident. I also developed a virtue in myself: daring to try new positive things offered in life. I was educated to realize that failure might happen when trying, but opportunities may not necessarily come a second time. Although I am a bit afraid to start and end everything, I believe that everything will be fine when I always surrender to God. For me, that experience was a very valuable life lesson and could make my thinking more mature.
I am also grateful that the Jesuits accompanied me as a young person. It was not only about how to carry myself in front of the congregation, I also learned about the deep meaning of every task I carried out. The Jesuits always gave touching advice and made me understand what it means to serve with the heart. The typical Jesuit values taught helped me develop as part of the Lector and changed my perspective on many things. Several small moments during the mentoring made me think, “Oh, yes, that’s right.” In addition, they were also always there and wanted to listen when I poured out my heart. That made me feel very supported and understood.
Being a young person is a significant life journey for me. I am grateful to have been able to learn through various means, from being a lecturer to the coordinator of the Bible Reading Competition. This experience will continue to inspire and motivate me in the future. I am also encouraged to love and draw closer to God through His Word.
In addition, I also learned that there is nothing wrong with trying what has been started. Although I am still young and do not have much experience, I was educated to push as hard as possible. At least, I have dared to take responsibility well until the end.
Contributor: Alberta Pangestika Silvera Putri – Lecturer of St. Joseph Parish, Gedangan