On December 10, 2024, coinciding with World Human Rights Day, the Provincial of the Society of Jesus of the Indonesian Province, Fr Benedictus Hari Juliawan, SJ, inaugurated the establishment of PRAKSIS (Center for Research and Advocacy of the Society of Jesus). As a new work of the Indonesian Jesuits, the establishment of PRAKSIS embodies the Apostolic Plan of the Indonesian Province to establish a “center for studies and advocacy that will become the ‘spokesperson’ of the Society of Jesus in public discussions on social issues.”
The inauguration ceremony began with a Eucharistic celebration at the Chapel of St. Peter Canisius, Jakarta. Father Provincial led the celebration, accompanied by the Foundation Management and the PRAKSIS Board of Directors. In his homily, the Provincial Father stated that the establishment of PRAKSIS refers to Jesus’ call in the Sermon on the Mount to be a light. This call is realized by establishing a research and advocacy institution that can present Catholic ideas and perspectives in a joint effort to support the democratization process in Indonesia.
The event continued with the presentation of the results of PRAKSIS’s first research, “Seeking Democracy that Promotes the Common Good.” This research highlights the challenges of Indonesian democracy in the last decade (2014-2024), such as the narrowing of the space for citizen participation and the shrinking middle class. The PRAKSIS report then concludes with recommendations based on the Church’s Social Teaching, including protecting human dignity and civil liberties, empowering grassroots communities, and promoting just economic policies.
Bringing Mission to Life Through Research, Advocacy, and Education
PRAKSIS is designed to be a knowledge center that combines the power of scientific analysis with the insight of the Catholic faith. Its three main pillars are: research, advocacy, and education. Through research, PRAKSIS produces innovative and implementable studies on social, political, and economic issues. Through advocacy, PRAKSIS voices policies that support the common good to stakeholders. Through education, PRAKSIS organizes seminars, courses, and workshops that introduce the Social Teaching of the Church and discuss the challenges of the times.
This initiative has received a warm welcome from various circles. In her keynote speech at PRAKSIS’s inauguration, Ms. Alissa Wahid, National Coordinator of the GUSDURian Network, emphasized the importance of institutions such as PRAKSIS in strengthening democracy.
2025 Program and Future Hopes
The founding of PRAKSIS is a call for all those of goodwill to participate in advancing the common good. With the spirit of ” Fate Chiasso !” or “Make a sound that echoes!” as called by Pope Francis, PRAKSIS invites the Church, Catholics, and all parties of goodwill to advance the common good.
PRAKSIS has prepared various programs for 2025. The Research and Advocacy Division will conduct research with four main themes and will routinely hold the PRAKSIS Forum. Meanwhile, the Public Engagement Division will have seminars, courses, workshops, and retreats to instill an understanding of the Catholic faith among Catholics, especially the Social Teachings of the Church. The inaugural seminar from the Public Engagement Division is planned to be held in February 2025. The topic raised reflects the message and impact of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Visit to Indonesia in early September 2024.
The establishment of PRAKSIS is an effort by the Society of Jesus to collaborate in advancing the common good in Indonesia. Precisely because of that, PRAKSIS wants to collaborate with all parties. There is no common good without mutual involvement.
Contributor: P Heinrich Angga Indraswara, SJ