STF Driyarkara

Formasi Iman

Reflection on Studying Abroad

First of all I like to thanks to God for all the blessing and experiences that I have received, especially during my first six months in Indonesia. Before I left my country, I was really worried that I might get homesick or that I would find studying abroad a struggle and etc

skolastik malaysia aaron di indonesia
Formasi Iman

Studi Filsafat awal 6 bulan di Kota Jakarta

Saya Aaron Lee Chee Khong dari Malaysia yang kini sedang studi S2 di STF Driyarkara. Terus-terang dalam tiga bulan awal studi filsafat, saya masih bertanya pertanyaan seperti: “Mengapakah saya harus studi Filsafat? Apakah saya bisa studi Filsafat dengan umur saya yang telah mencapai 30-an ini?”