Open House and Eucharist for Catholic Youth and Students DIY 2024


Coinciding with National Heroes Day in November 2024, the DIY Student Pastoral Center (PPM DIY) held a series of events to give meaning to heroism that is relevant to young people today. The events consisted of the PPM DIY Open House on November 9 and the Youth Eucharist, which was continued with a talk show and art performance on November 10. The topics raised were about heroism exemplified by national figures (including national heroes who are Catholic) and its actualization for young people today. Heroism as a spirit is always relevant and can be actualized continuously.


For that reason, with the language style of young people, this activity takes the title AGAPE: Akrab aGAwe PEnak, which in the original language (Greek, “ἀγάπη”) refers to a form of selfless, sincere, and affectionate love. In this context, agape is often described as universal or unconditional love, which reflects an earnest desire for the good of others without expecting anything in return. Catholic students in Jogja are invited to dare to give themselves selfless, sincere, and full love to anyone as a form of heroism that aligns with Catholic teachings. The acronym for ” Agape,” namely ” keras agawe penak,” invites Catholic students to establish intimacy in their own way and walk together as fellow Catholic students. Generation Z children who are familiar with the digital world can also take heroic actions in this era. So, besides being ” penak ” ( fun ), it is also beneficial for many people.


The meeting moment between Catholic students of DIY was temporarily halted due to the pandemic some time ago. Therefore, this activity will unite Catholic students throughout Yogyakarta since the pandemic is over. It is hoped that with this activity, a network and brotherhood can be established between Catholic students spread across various campuses. In Yogyakarta Special Region, there are more than hundreds of Universities, Academies, and Colleges. It is hoped that with this activity, Catholic students can get to know each other, share stories, and strengthen each other in their life journey.


On the first day of the PPM DIY Open House event, students provided health check services for residents around PPM DIY. In addition, there were joint exercise activities, community service, blood donation, door prizes distribution, and lunch together. The involvement of students in the community is a simple form of heroism that they can do. Students need to recognize the community environment where they live every day so that the knowledge they learn in class does not stop at just thinking but is also actualized for the common good. For example, medical and health science students are involved in free health check services for the community. In addition, students also learn to network with all parties with good intentions, such as the Sego Mubeng group from the Kotabaru Parish.


On the second day, EKM was held in the Kolese de Britto chapel and continued with a talk show and art performance in the Kolese de Britto hall. The Eucharistic celebration was led by Father AR Yudono Suwondo, Pr. as the Episcopal Vicar (Vikep) of West Yogyakarta accompanied by Father Daryanto, SJ (Student Pastoral Center), Father Setyo Budi Sambodo, Pr (Student Priest of the Semarang Vicariate), and Father Hugo, SJ (Moderator of Kolese de Britto, host of the event). This is a greeting from the Catholic Church to young people, especially Catholic students in Jogja. Through this EKM, students also get space to experience the Eucharist in a youthful way, such as orchestral music accompaniment, accompanying dances, reflections presented with theater, and prayers in various regional languages.


Around 800 Catholic students from various universities attended the second day’s event. Not only from Jogja but also from Semarang and Surakarta. After the Eucharist, the event continued with a talk show filled by Father G. Subanar, SJ, and Walma Jelena. Father Banar shared the story of the heroism of Indonesian Catholics during the Japanese occupation through a recently published book, Kinro Hoshi, Kisah Umat Katolik di Dudukan Jepang (Kanisius, 2024). Meanwhile, from the perspective of young people, Walma Jelena, who popularized the mantilla on her social media account (@walmajelena; Your Mantilla Lady), shared her testimony of faith in the digital world.


After the talk show, several student groups filled the art stage. Among them were regional dances, theater, and music. The multiculturalism of Catholic students in DIY will color these art performances, considering that students come from various regions in Indonesia. Fr. Buset (Setyo Budi Sambodo) performed entertainingly with standup comedy. In addition, there was also the involvement of SMA Kolese de Britto students through musical performances. Not a few de Britto alumni studying in Jogja were actively involved in the activities of the Catholic Student Family. So, this is a form of ongoing assistance for young people to walk together to build a future full of hope.


Contributor: P Agustinus Daryanto, SJ


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