Reflections on the 2024 Excursion Study
From September 30 to October 5, 2024, 10th-grade students of SMA Kolese de Britto Yogyakarta participated in a study excursion formation activity. This year, the study excursion, which took the theme “Caring for God’s Creation in the Framework of Local Wisdom,” invited students to pay more attention to the environment in which they have lived while recognizing local wisdom around them. The students were divided into several groups to conduct observations in their respective fields, be it energy, food, or waste management. Not only observing, the students also made efforts to realize the smooth running of existing processes for the sake of a stable life. Our hands got dirty, and our bodies were tired, but our experiences were formed to learn from them.
Through observation, we are made aware that producing food, producing electrical energy, and managing waste produced for human survival requires a long process and is not always instant. For the process to run smoothly, advanced technology is needed and supported by adequate resources and funding sources. Unfortunately, this is still a distant dream for business actors in food, electricity, and environmental cleanliness empowerment. Some of them experience a shortage of human resources and limited technology, so maximum results are not easily achieved. This lack of support also threatens some actors, for example, the number of rambak producers in Gantiwarno Village has decreased significantly. From the original 15 production houses, it has decreased to only 6 in 1 decade.
We are invited to help environmental empowerment and sustainability entrepreneurs, at least by supporting environmental empowerment efforts. There is no need for in-depth analysis; our failure to be able to help environmental empowerment can be seen in everyday life. Plastic waste is scattered everywhere, food waste is piling up, and the temperature is getting hotter due to increasingly severe global warming. These are all real pieces of evidence that we can easily find. In fact, all of this happens when the environment is increasingly unstable. The food, energy, and environmental cleanliness crisis is getting worse because of the difficulties of environmental empowerment activists.
I often feel ashamed for being so cruel to my environment. I don’t sort my trash. I rely on plastic so that plastic waste continues to pile up. Leftover food is also thrown away. I also enjoy the cold air conditioning almost all day, wasting energy. Humans may only want comfort. We all do the same thing, and this invites us to reflect on why we are so cruel. As creatures, God has given us free will, and we can make decisions according to reason and conscience. What can I do to improve my environment?
Contributor: Bumi Praba Murti – De Britto College High School